How a Cancer Diagnosis Created a Medical Practice with Dr. Erin Ellis of Hope Natural Health

Every entrepreneur has a story of how they decided to start their business. For Dr. Erin Ellis of Hope Natural Health, it was a cancer diagnosis. Dr. Ellis has found her passion helping women fix crappy periods, helping with hormone imbalances and addressing the root cause of why people are running on empty. Join us for today’s episode as Whitney and Dr. Ellis chat about her inspiring journey to helping others through her medical practice.

Meet Dr. Erin Ellis

In 2010 Dr. Ellis was diagnosed with a rare form of Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma at age 31.  She never thought in a million years she would have been diagnosed with cancer at such a young age, but it was the turning point in her life. After beating cancer, Dr. Ellis pursued her passion to become a doctor. Dr. Ellis has found her passion helping women fix crappy periods, helping with hormone imbalances or addressing why you are constantly running on empty by getting to the root cause so you can be the best version of yourself.