Red Flags to Watch for When Hiring An Agency

Are you ready to start digging into the marketing and public relations efforts for your business? That’s great! It might be time for you to start looking for a marketing or PR agency that can help you boost your bottom line. During your search, make sure you’re keeping an eye out for these three red flags in a marketing or PR agency.

  1. An agency that promises results
    1. If an agency is making big promises about results, it may be a good idea to walk away. An agency should be able to promise deliverables, not a result. There are too many factors in our world that make promising a result not feasible for an agency.
  2. An agency that won’t show you their clients
    1. An agency should be proud of the clients that they are working with. An agency that is transparent about their clients and the work that they are doing is an agency that is worth working with. Always be sure to check out other clients to see if the agency is the right fit for you.
  3. An agency that has cookie-cutter packages.
    1. Marketing strategy for every business is different. An amateur agency might be pushing a package that might not meet all of the unique needs of your brand. It’s important to find an agency that will listen to your marketing successes, failures, and goals to create a holistic plan that will make a difference for your business.
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