The Revenue Stream that Allows You to Stop Trading Time for Money with Jasmine Jonte

Are you an expert or entrepreneur that is pouring hours and hours into your services to make more money? There may be a revenue stream you’re completely missing out on.

In today’s episode, Whitney is chatting with Jasmine Jonte from Cre8tion on all things online courses! Jasmine and her team take the knowledge and expertise of entrepreneurs all over the country and turn it into sellable online programs.

If you’ve been looking for an additional revenue stream, you won’t want to miss this episode!

Jasmine Jonte helps experts turn braindumps into world-class programs! Her Done-For-You Course Creation agency takes care of everything – from the big picture promise down to the last worksheet download. They’re on a mission to make learning simple and fun for 10 Million students while saving 100+ hours for every course creator they partner with! 
Coupling her teaching experience with business savvy and management skills, you’ll want her to do the heavy lifting when building or upgrading your online programs.

Connect with Jasmine at

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