#1 Thing Your Social Content Should Include

User Generated Content!

End all of social media. You can say how awesome you are but if other people are saying you’re awesome – that’s PRICELESS

For some businesses, it just HAPPENS. People love sharing stuff like

food, travel, clothes.

But if you aren’t out there watching and listening, you’re missing opportunities! So If you don’t have expensive listening tools how do you know what’s out there?

  1. Obviously if they tag you
  2. Hashtags -not only looking at your branded one but also looking at other ones for your industry like coffee or depending on your business hashtags for your location or city
  3. Location tags – looking at people who tag themselves specifically at your business (resorts or destinations)
  4. Searching terms
  5. Reviews – sometimes they have amazing photos or great quotes to pull from

So those are some good places to start looking for content that may include your brand.

honestly – this is important either way bc there could be points of CONCERN that you should be monitoring.

  1. Seeing patterns about service or a specific team member
  2. Comparing you to other competitors – amazing feedback
  3. Concerns on the quality

SO IMPORTANT TO BE LISTENING. and it may hurt but you can take that as feedback and make changes. Tell people you heard them!

So on a positive note- if you’re wanting to generate more UGC – here are some tips

  1. Ask them – servers, putting cards on the table
  2. Incentivize
  3. Suggest it – include your hashtag everywhere. You don’t have to necessarily say “USE OUR HASHTAG” but just showing it there will remind them. put I everywhere! cups, beverage napkins, clings on windows (salons & boutiques)
  4. Give them a photo op – working on a fun sign. or a statue, or a mural on the wall!
  5. Promote other people’s content – when you’re sharing other users, people will see that and want their content promoted too!

User Generated Content is the GOAL for so many brands. You always have the option to not use it if it doesn’t align with your brand’s vision or tone, but it just comes through so authentically rather than perfectly curated images by a professional photographer.

Influencers are an amazing form of user generated content and if you’re interested in working with influencers you’ll definitely want to download our free tips to identifying influencers that will actually make you money!! linked in show notes or go to besociallee.com/podcast/how-we-generated-over-33000-with-6-unpaid-influencers/

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