Are Hashtags Actually Stunting Your Growth?

Hashtags previously were THE key in growing your following and reach on Instagram and Twitter – but the tide is changing! In today’s episode, we’re breaking down hashtags on Instagram and Tik Tok. When used appropriately, hashtags grow your following, help establish your brand, and they are the easiest way to gather content from your customers. Tune in for advice on how you should now be utilizing hashtags in your business strategy.

The days of a million hashtags are over, there is a better strategy that you can use to grow your brand. At Sociallee, we start out by developing a core list of hashtags that we consistently use with their content. Make sure that this core list includes a branded hashtag for your business, this can be as simple as the name of your business. Next, find a list of industry specific hashtags. This isn’t for branding, but for other people to find your business among other like areas of your industry. Then, we add hashtags that are post-specific to the photos or content that we are sharing with our followers. From here, you can get even more specific with seasonal or holiday hashtags, location hashtags, relevant phrases, or even daily hashtags.

While you have the ability to use up to 30 hashtags on a post, that’s not always the best idea. There are a lot of variables that contribute to hashtag quality and quantity. If you have the time, ability, and resources to play with the amount of hashtags that you use, make sure to test posts with various hashtag quantities. We recommend one to three hashtags but 10 to 12 at the most. Be strategic about how you post them so it doesn’t take away from your content.

Listen in for more of Whitney Lee’s tips and tricks to utilize hashtags to boost growth for your business.

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