How to Make Your Marketing Assistant More Productive

While we truly believe in the value of hiring an agency, it is not rare for business owners, especially small business owners, to opt for an in-house marketing assistant. Some go down this path in an attempt to cut costs, while others truly believe they need someone physically in their office.

Unfortunately, many business owners that choose this path find themselves expelling more energy trying to coach and bring ideas to their marketing assistant when it should be the other way around! On today’s episode, Whitney is covering actionable tips to make your marketing assistant more productive.

If you have found yourself in a similar boat, True Story Public Relations offers Fractional CMO services! As your Fractional CMO, we take all of that off your plate and help train and oversee your marketing assistant to make them a productive asset to your team. You see results and have one less team member to manage. It’s a game changer! Visit our website to learn more.

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